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Hurricanes: Preparing and Responding to the Needs of Children

Hurricanes are scary and disruptive for kids – they can take children away from their homes, their schools and their friends. Equally the global leader in kid-focused humanitarian response, Relieve the Children is committed to reducing the bear upon of natural disasters on children through constructive hurricane preparedness, response and recovery.

Since 2005, in the backwash of Hurricane Katrina, we've been on the front end lines meeting children's well-nigh critical needs in every major U.South. disaster. Thanks to the support of our donors, nosotros've created more than safe spaces for children in emergencies than whatever other humanitarian organization. To date, we've served more than iii.5 million children affected by U.South. disasters.

As 1 of the near powerful storms on record to hit Louisiana, Hurricane Ida put children at groovy risk, taking many of them from the lives they one time knew. Relieve the Children'due south emergency response team worked to encounter the virtually urgent needs of children living in areas hardest hit past Hurricane Ida. You donation to the Children's Emergency Relief Fund can help provide essential items to and then families can continue to treat their children.

10 Hurricane Safety Tips

Save the Children's emergency response experts accept compiled ways to stay safety during a hurricane to help protect your children from distress during and after disasters. We've also noted how you may need to adjust your family hurricane emergency plan due to COVID-19.

  1. Talk to your children nigh hurricanes. Explain to your child what could happen in the event of a hurricane, using simple, historic period-appropriate words. Outline a family emergency programme for hurricanes, with an evacuation plan and meeting location and emphasize that their rubber is your utmost priority.

    Plan for where you may be able to become while all the same following the CDC'due south social distancing recommendations. Proceed in mind any family members who may be at high take chances for COVID-19 and how to keep gatherings to a minimum.

  2. Fix a "to-go bag" for each kid in the family ahead of time. The bag should contain essential personal items as well as those that can help protect the spread of COVID-19, including:

    Contact and medical data
    A flashlight with extra batteries
    A favorite blimp animate being or comfort item
    A blanket
    Hygiene supplies including a toothbrush, comb and washcloth
    Manus sanitizer, or bar or liquid soap
    2 fabric confront coverings for each child to a higher place the age of two

  3. Practice evacuation drills.In one case you lot've created your hurricane evacuation programme and talked with your children about it, it's time to practice. Be sure to run through different scenarios – at home, at school and at other places you visit ofttimes (similar a grandparent's business firm, or a second home). When planning your evacuation road, remember that bridges may be washed out and low-lying areas may be flooded.
  4. Acquire your child's school or kid intendance disaster plans. If your child attends schoolhouse, daycare or an subsequently-school program, ask for the facility's hurricane emergency plan. Acquire their procedures for evacuation, notifying parents and if there is an alternate selection up location.
  5. Evacuate if instructed to exercise and so. If you are instructed to evacuate by local authorities – or if you feel unsafe – you should follow CDC recommendations for how to stay rubber and healthy in a public setting or shelter during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  6. Stay indoors, if non evacuated. If you aren't advised to evacuate, or are unable to practise so safely, stay indoors, away from windows, skylights and doors. Continue to monitor weather reports and don't get outside until the storm has passed. Downed trees, live electrical wires and other hazards tin can crop up unexpectedly.
  7. Keep routines. Children experience comfort from rituals and routines, like a story before bedtime or a family meal each evening. If at all possible, keep these routines.
  8. Role model and listen. Recollect, children look to you and choice up on your moods and cues. Let your children know that it's okay to be deplorable, only practise your all-time to reassure them that they're safe.

    Although the dangers of a hurricane are very existent, your child'south fears may be out of proportion or unrealistic. Take the time to talk to them and hear their concerns.

  9. Limit media. Fifty-fifty the mildest of storms tin can be sensationalized on news and weather channels. Children of all ages tin can be disturbed by intense images online and on TV, and then monitor their media intake.
  10. Spotter your child for changes in behavior, sleeping patterns, or eating habits. Children may be afraid or broken-hearted for a while after the hurricane. If changes in behavior exercise happen, they will probable lessen within a brusk time. However, if they proceed, yous should seek professional help and counseling

What to Know About the 2021 Hurricane Season

When is the 2021 Atlantic Hurricane Season?

The 2021 Atlantic hurricane season starts on June i and runs through November 30. For the second yr, the U.S. volition spend hurricane flavor planning to take social distancing and COVID-19 mitigation measures into account. As many coastal states plan for hurricanes, the CDC has recommended that those afflicted pay attention to their local guidance almost updated plans for evacuations and staying safe in shelters.

Hurricane Laura caused massive damage to communities in the Gulf Coast.

Hurricanes can cause widespread damage and impact communities for years to come up.

2021 Hurricane Names

Hurricane Ana
Hurricane Bill
Hurricane Claudette
Hurricane Danny
Hurricane Elsa
Hurricane Fred
Hurricane Grace
Hurricane Henri
Hurricane Ida
Hurricane Julian
Hurricane Kate

Hurricane Larry
Hurricane Mindy
Hurricane Nicholas
Hurricane Odette
Hurricane Peter
Hurricane Rose
Hurricane Sam
Hurricane Teresa
Hurricane Victor
Hurricane Wanda

What is the difference between a hurricane watch and a hurricane warning?

  • A hurricane watch indicates there's a threat of hurricane or tropical storm conditions within 48 hours.
  • A hurricane warning means a hurricane or tropical storm is expected within 36 hours or less.
  • A tropical storm or hurricane statement is issued every ii-3 hours by your local National Weather condition Service (NWS) office. Information technology volition summarize all of the watches and warnings, evacuation info and well-nigh firsthand threats to the area.

Our History of Hurricane Response & Disaster Relief in the U.S.

When crisis strikes, children are always among the near vulnerable. That's why Save the Children has been on the basis, protecting America'due south children, in every major disaster since Hurricane Katrina.

Thanks to the support of our donors, our response teams and supplies hit the road before disaster strikes, to assist keep children and families condom. We get parents the essential items they need to continue to intendance for their children, make sure evacuation shelters are safe and supportive to children and families' unique needs.

Nosotros're also there for the long term, restoring kid intendance centers and preschools – and restarting afterschool and summer programs – so kids can get back to learning and parents tin can get back to work. Plus, our social and emotional recovery programs, including  Journey of Promise and  Center (Healing and Education Through the Arts), help children and caregivers understand and cope with the fear and loss that can come in the wake of a disaster.

Children and families take shelter during Hurricane Florence.

Hurricane Florence

In September 2018, Hurricane Florence dilapidated the coast of the Carolinas, generating life-threatening floodwaters and damaging winds. Our teams worked to meet the immediate and long-term needs of children and families affected by the tempest. In the early days, our relief experts set up child-friendly spaces in shelters and delivered essential supplies. In addition to restoring child intendance and early on learning centers, our experts helped provide children with preparedness and resilience skills.

A Save the Children Volunteer playing with a child in a hurricane shelter.

Hurricane Michael

Thirteen months subsequently Hurricane Irma, Hurricane Michael, classified a category five, struck Florida in October. This massive storm was the almost intense on tape e'er to hit the region, and its destructive path affected some of the poorest counties, to the lowest degree equipped to handle the tempest's destruction. With your generous support, we provided firsthand relief for children and families affected by the tempest. Critical supplies, including diapers, wipes and hygiene kits, were distributed to families, while our emergency response teams set rubber play spaces in shelters.

A young child rests while in the care of a Save the Children emergency responder during the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey in Texas.

Hurricane Harvey

2017's catastrophic hurricane season began in August, when Hurricane Harvey devastated parts of Texas, triggering epic flooding that forced families from their homes. Nosotros quickly deployed staff who set child-friendly spaces and provided essential supplies to children and families. Through our Journey of Promise, we built a multi-partner collaboration to evangelize our emotional back up program to thousands of children. Our back up of ongoing recovery stretched over the course of two years.

A mother smiles while sitting at an outdoor table with her two young sons in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma.

Hurricane Irma

In early September of 2017, Hurricane Irma crashed ashore in the Florida Keys, and and so stormed northward, leaving a path of devastation and flooding. Thanks to you, we deployed teams to provide essential supplies for children and provided emergency grants to restore kid intendance centers damaged by Hurricane Irma.

A mother holds her daughter in her arms while standing in front of destruction caused by  Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico during the 2017 hurricane.

Hurricane Maria

Then came Hurricane Maria in mid-September, leaving a trail of devastation beyond Puerto Rico – the island'southward worst disaster since 1928. Our staff arrived to find families overwhelmed with tremendous harm to their homes, no power and critical shortages of make clean water, food and fuel. We quickly mobilized, helping deliver relief by truck, helicopter and plane, including meals, water, parent-babe kits and shelter repair kits. We trained local social workers on psychological first aid and mobilized summertime programs to help children recover and keep learning. Our recovery and resilience-building work connected over the course of two years.

Hurricane Disaster Relief: How to Assist Vulnerable Kids and Communities

Relieve the Children is the only national response bureau that has children at the cadre of everything nosotros do.

As the national leader for children in emergencies, Save the Children works to ensure children's unique needs are met and their voices are heard. Through the generous support of our donors, nosotros help protect and keep children safe before, during and after disasters strike, and are at that place for kids for the long term.

Your generous support is what makes this work possible.