Big Words That Are Easy to Say

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Time for vocabulary development as I grabbed my dictionary to learn a few new words. I love lists. Thank you, Tara. ~Suzy Leopold

    Great word! I *almost* used it. I tried to stick to real words (with the exception of two Dahlisms, because I adore Dahl) and words that did not require a hyphen (because I felt the hyphen was cheating, in a way) LOL.

      I have since abandoned with "no hyphen" rule! LOL

Tara – this is great! If you're looking for a place for more fun, weird words, Worthless Word for the Day is a terrific source.

Tara this list is a humdinger and is a big ballyhoo in my house today. I'm a fussbudget about words, but this list made me rejigger my own list and say cowabunga! It gave me the heebie-jeebies, too.

    Whoo! Adding some words….thanks!

      Sorry about the hyphen…. I love that word, and I'm a musician and someone wrote a fun piece called the Heebie Jeebies.

What a list! I'm going to challenge my kids to define all of them by the end of the summer, with a trip to the book store as a reward. Shhh…I think they'll be having too much fun to realize they are learning, too! : )

    Great idea, Nancy!

LOVE these! I have a "word purse" I use with students, and these would be great ones to have in there (I'd have to check for duplicates first). And now I have an idea I need to get started on, thanks to you! (You do have a way of doing that…) xoxox

    I think we all need to carry a word purse!

I think I have a fetish over your #181. I've always loved that word! LOL Great list…

    Oh no, which word was 181 when you looked at the list? I've added!

So fun to say this list out loud! I hope your family members gave you more than 200 strange looks while you were sitting at the dinner table saying "this splendiferous smorgasbord is scrumdiddlyumptious" and giggling.

Awesome list, Tara! I now have a new favorite word: clishmaclaver. Thanks! 🙂

So, SO fun – but you are missing my favorite word – cacophony. Gotta look several of these up – and use them when my kids are in a bad mood. You're awesome, by the way 🙂

    OK, your favorite word now included! Thanks, Joanne!

Thanks for sharing your collection, Tara. Love it!

A great list. Love befuddled. Haven't heard some of these words used since I was a child. Need to remember this post as I saw some words I's like to use.

I LOVE this list, Tara! Thank you! I bookmarked it so I can go back again and again! 😀

Great list. Thanks! I think there might be some prompts in here.

Love it, Tara! Saved it on my bookmarks bar for reference! Thanks!

What an amazing and tremendously fun list of words! I can't wait to see what zenzizenzizenzic means!
Thanks for creating this list and then sharing it!

This is a great list but in a picture book I wonder if I will lose the reader with too many of these. I am keeping the list for later.

    You can use some…but not all, LOL. Take a look at Ammi-Joan Paquette's PETEY AND PRU AND THE HULLABALOO! Great example of using complex but fun words in a picture book.

Is there such a thing as a listophile?! If not, there should be 'cause I'm definitely a lover of lists! 🙂 thanks, Tara!

Just saying some of these words out loud brings joy to my heart…thanks for putting fun words in one place. Wouldn't it be fun to sprinkle one or two in each book, like a word scavenger hunt.

    Thank you, Laura!

Reblogged this on electricbluegaloo and commented:
I love this list. It's such as lovely way to wallow

Great list! Thanks for sharing….

[…] one last question. I have a list of fun words I posted recently, which has become quite popular. What's your favorite […]

[…] This blog features t a list of 500+ Things that Kids Like, Things They DON'T Like, and a list of over 200 fun, cool and interesting words. List-o-mania! List-o-rama! The lister! (Pretend I'm talking in Rob Schneider's SNL […]

[…] All writers love language. And we especially love fun words, don't we? Some have funky spellings, tongue-twisting turns, a satisfying "ooh"…and some sound too hilarious to be true! So I've put together a list of favorite fun words that I'll add to periodically. Have fun, lexicon lovers! Click here for the list!  […]

Dear Tara,
Recently, I register for a Writing Children's Books class. My instructor of this course introduced to us your website. I am so excited about writing a book. Your story inspires me to make my wish a reality. I am bilingual Spanish is my first language. So, I am interested in book translation. What would be your advise to get stararted?

Thanks in advance.

    Hi Rosa, thanks for your nice comments. I'm afraid I am not familiar enough with bilingual books to make a good recommendation to you. I would seek out other sources, for this is not my are of expertise. Good luck!

wow! thank you!

Love, love, love words. I see a couple I actually use. I'm sure that says something, but I don't know what. I'm not going to futz with it, though.

Yes this is a fun, cool, and interesting list of words! Thanks for sharing it!

Wow! Now that's a whopping list of words. Thanks for the great share. Totally flabbergasted with the list. Thanks!

Awesome list! Thanks for sharing, Tara

Thank you so much for sharing that. It's so good to know, can give your story a little sparkle.

Reblogged this on Al The Author's blog and commented:
You had me at "akimbo" ! Great list – shared for fellow word hoarders

    You bet your sweet bippy!

Where is my dictionary?

this is totally fun.

[…] great "pre-posts" prior to the official kick-off. I discovered Tara Lazar's list of interesting words, which got me playing with humorous pairings and phrases, amusing sounds, and rhythm. I've never […]


Great list Tara, but you forgot Mambe-Pambe! LOL

Bravo! What a marvelous list of fun words. Love it and thank you for the great share.

currently writing all of these out!

    im on number 26 i have a lot to go but its taking my mind off things!



[…] List of 500+ Fun, Cool and Interesting Words […]

I have tried to copy this list, it is fabulous but it keeps telling me my address is wrong. I don't know what that means because I have have written is my address.

This is my favorite blog! what fun.

The wods are nice but u have to give meaning and usage

    Got that coming in a book…

Need Definitions! But I also love the words!

    The book has definitions plus a bunch of other info–origin facts, use in pop culture, other amazing language absurdities…

Where's the book?!?
I'll buy it (for my grandkids) if you write it.

    Coming in '19…

Amazing list!
Thank you. 🙂

I love the words you listed above. The word Boondoggle really had got me in a giggle. Love it LOL.

[…] spent the last several months with my head deep in a dictionary, editing THE WHIZBANG WORDBOOK, so excuse me if I'm a little definition-sensitive these days. But hear me out. This is […]

cool words

i love these words there so cool
thank you😇😀😁😂😃😄😅😆😉

Logophile, logophilia. Probably my favorite on the list 🙂

Tara, you're just amazing. Love these lists that you put together. THANK YOU for all you do for the writing community!

[…] List of 500+ Fun, Cool & Interesting Words […]

[…] Storystorm to find more inspiration on finding ideas. These are some great posts to start with: List of 500+ Fun, Cool and Interesting Words, 500+ Things That Kids Like, and Jess Keating Notices the […]

wow this is really cool

I love these words because they are so silly and funny thank you .

oh man, I
have been trying to learn new words for 6th grade and these words are helping me a lot! thankyou -Jeremy Jones Jr.

is a book form available,,,for my mom…

    Sorry, the book is not out yet! I have a new potential publication date of November 2021!

is a book form available,,,for my mom….

rumpastilskan is not on the list…I`m not sure how you spell it.

    Rumpelstiltskin. It's a character name, a proper noun, and therefore not on the list.

[…] If you are having your child join you, here is a kid-friendly word list – […]

[…] books with your name on them and three more on the way. With BLOOP! (illustrated by Mike Boldt) and ABSURD WORDS: A KIDS' FUN AND HILARIOUS VOCABULARY BUILDER FOR FUTURE WORD NERDS slated for publishing in 2021, PRIVATE I SERIES #3 releasing in 2022, and championing #Storystorm, […]

I have written a half-page story based on "Swizzlestick". thank you so much for this list!

    Good for you! Keep writing!!!

[…] plug. If you're a fan of my List of 500+ Fun, Cool & Interesting Words, you'll enjoy how I turned it into a book, with 750+ words arranged by category for […]

This is great and so helpful! Thank you, Tara!

[…] This practice of jotting down words quickly became habit—I recorded every crazy word that made me feel something light and fun, every word that delighted my tongue. Soon I had a list of over a hundred words. And then, knowing how the internet loves lists, I threw it up on this website as "List of 200+ Fun, Cool and Interesting Words. […]

What an incredible list and gift for us!! It has inspired some fun writing today.
Thank you!

[…] have a list of "Fun, Cool & Interesting Words" on my website, and it became the most accessed page on my site. So, I thought—why not turn it […]

Fabulous list! Love it, and it definitely inspires creativity. Interesting to read a list like this. Many of these words I use regularly, while some I've never heard and need to look up. What was really interesting is as I read, I, too, had a memory jump right into my head for where/when I heard/learned the word or when it made an impression on me: akimbo from my husband's grandmother who was a crossword aficionado, and indubitably, which always makes me think of Schoolhouse Rock. My mom often used discombobulated and a few others make me think of her. I actually remember A LOT of these from my ELA classes in school (the teachers all clap and rejoice). Codswollop will ALWAYS make me think of Hagrid with a smile :-), etc. Yes, emotions tied to many of these — what a fun thing to explore. Thanks, Tara!

You are a word WELL, Tara!
Congratulations on digging up such a unique selection of interesting words to play with.

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