Countries You Didnt Know Were in Asia

How Many Countries Are There In Asia?

Map of Asia
  • Mainland china is the most populous country in both Asia and the world.
  • India is gear up to overtake China as the most populous state in the earth by 2027.
  • The Sultanate of Negara brunei darussalam is Asia's least populated country.
  • Asia consists of 48 countries and three other territories.
  • Asia is the most populous continent in the world.

Asia is the biggest and most populous continent in the earth. The continent is made up of 48 countries and iii other territories. The count includes transcontinental countres with majority of their population located in Asia. Thus, Russia that has about 75% of its territory in Asia but only around 22% of its population residing in this part, has been left out of the list. If Russia is included, the number of countries in Asia becomes 49.

The United nations divides Asia into five different subregions for statistical purposes. These subregions and the countries included in them have been described below:

  • East asia
  • South-east asia
  • South asia
  • Fundamental Asia
  • Western Asia

Eastern Asia

Eastern Asian countries
Map showing the 5 countries of Eastern asia.
  • China
  • Japan
  • Mongolia
  • Democratic people's republic of korea
  • S Korea

The subregion of Eastern Asia has a population of nearly billion, and consists of 5 countries, including the about populous land in the earth, China. The Chinese population is estimated at more than i.iv billion. The least populous state in Eastern Asia is Mongolia, with a population of approximately 3.29 meg. Eastern Asian countries China and Japan are the 2d and third biggest economies in the world respectively. China is expected to become the world'south largest economic system, surpassing the United States, by 2028. Eastern Asia also includes what is arguably the nearly isolated country in the world, North Korea, which is a communist country with a severely stagnant economic system. The residual of Eastern asia, particularly Japan and South korea, view North Korea with business organisation and suspicion, especially in calorie-free of the fact that the communist country is known to have several nuclear weapons at its disposal. The almost populous city in East asia is Tokyo, which is home to a whopping 38.two million people. The Chinese cities of Shanghai and Beijing are the second and third most populous cities in Eastern Asia respectively, both having populations of more than twenty million.

South-Eastern Asia

Southeastern Asian countries
Map showing the 11 countries of South-east asia.
  • Brunei
  • Cambodia
  • Republic of indonesia
  • Laos
  • Malaysia
  • Myanmar
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • Timor Leste
  • Vietnam

South-Eastern Asia is home to xi countries. The subregion'south population is an estimated 673 one thousand thousand. The largest and almost populous country of Southward-Eastern asia is Republic of indonesia, which consists of an archipelago of many islands, both big and small. Indonesia's population surpasses 273.5 one thousand thousand. The other countries of Southward-Eastern Asia, with the exception of Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Cambodia, are too based on islands. The least populous country in South-Eastern Asia is the modest Sultanate of Brunei, whose population is not much more than 437 grand. The subregion's most populous city is Manila, the capital of the Philippines, in which approximately 13.3 million people live. Other large South-Eastern Asian cities include the respective capitals of Republic of indonesia and Thailand, Jakarta and Bangkok.

Southern Asia

SOUTHERN asian countries
Map showing the 9 countries of Southern asia.
  • Afghanistan
  • Bangladesh
  • Bhutan
  • India
  • Islamic republic of iran
  • Maldives
  • Nepal
  • Pakistan
  • Sri Lanka

South asia is the most populous of Asia's subregions, with a population of nearly 2 billion.It includes 9 countries. More than than half of Southern Asia'southward people live in the subregion's nigh populous country, India. India'south population is i.38 billion, making it the earth's second nigh populous country. In fact, statistics show that by 2027, India volition take surpassed Cathay to be the most populous country in the world. The populations of Southern Asia'southward other countries pale in comparison to India's. The next well-nigh populous land in the subregion is Pakistan, which has more than 220 million people living within its borders. The least populous country in Southern Asia is the modest isle state of the Republic of the maldives, with just over 540 thousand people. South asia's most populous city is Mumbai, which has million residents. The cities of Dhaka, Bangladesh and Karachi, Islamic republic of pakistan are besides quite populous, with populations of eighteen.9 million and 17.half dozen million respectively.

Cardinal Asia

central asian countries
Map showing the 5 countries of Central Asia.
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Tajikistan
  • Turkmenistan
  • Uzbekistan

Cardinal Asia includes five countries. The region's population is well-nigh 75.1 million, making it the least populous subregion of the continent. Like Eastern Asia, Central Asia consists of 5 countries. All of these countries were function of the Soviet Union, until it collapsed in 1991. Since then, these countries have been dissever contained states. The most populous country in Central Asia is Uzbekistan, with a population in excess of 33 million. The least populous country in the subregion is Turkmenistan, which has a population of approximately 6 million. Fundamental Asia includes i transcontinental country, Kazakhstan, which is too the largest state in the subregion. Some of its territory is considered function of Europe. However, the vast majority of Republic of kazakhstan's population resides in Asia, thus it is designated as an Asian land by the United nations. The most populous metropolis in Central Asia is Uzbekistan'due south capital, Tashkent, which has approximately 2 one thousand thousand residents.

Southwest asia

Western Asia map
Map showing the 18 countries of Southwest asia.
  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Bahrain
  • Republic of cyprus
  • Georgia
  • Iraq
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • State of kuwait
  • Lebanese republic
  • Oman
  • Qatar
  • Saudi Arabia
  • State of Palestine
  • Syria
  • Turkey
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Republic of yemen

The population of Western Asia is approximately 282 meg. The almost populous country in the subregion is Turkey, with a population in backlog of 84 1000000. Turkey is besides a transcontinental country, as its territory includes a small part of Europe where the city of Istanbul, Turkey's largest, is located. Other transcontinental countries in Western Asia include Georgia and Azerbaijan. The bulk of all of these countries' populations, however, reside in Asia. Western Asia's least populous country is Cyprus, which boasts a population of just over 1.2 meg. Though technically office of Asia, Cyprus is usually considered a European country from political and economical perspectives. It is even part of the European Union. Southwest asia's most populous city is the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, with a population of about eight.7 million. Other major population centers in the subregion include the Saudi capital, Riyadh, and the Turkish upper-case letter, Ankara.

 Asian Territories

  • Taiwan
  • Hong Kong
  • Macau

In addition to Asia's 48 countries, the continent also includes 3 other territories. Two of them, Hong Kong and Macau, are Special Administrative Regions of the People's Democracy of China. Both territories were originally part of China, only were taken by European powers in centuries past. Hong Kong was a British colony, only was ceded dorsum to Communist china in 1997. Macau was a Portuguese colony until 1999, when it too was returned to Chinese command. The third Asian territory is the island of Taiwan, which is now a de facto independent land. About countries, however, do not recognize Taiwan as an independent country, and instead consider it a province of China. Mainland china itself considers the isle a renegade province that must eventually be put nether its rule, and has threatened to use strength to take control of the island.

Transcontinental Countries

The list of countries in Asia includes 6 transcontinental countries. These are Republic of kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia, Cyprus, Azerbaijan, and Turkey. These countries have spread across both Europe and Asia. However, the bulk of the population of these countries reside in the Asian part of their territories unlike that of Russia. Hence, these countries have been listed here.

How Many Countries Are There in Asia?

Rank State Subregion Population
one Afghanistan Southern Asia 38,041,750
two Armenia Western Asia 2,957,730
3 Azerbaijan Southwest asia 10,023,320
4 Bahrain Western Asia 1,641,170
5 Bangladesh Southern Asia 163,046,160
6 Bhutan Southern Asia 763,090
vii Brunei South-Eastern Asia 433,290
eight Cambodia South-East asia xvi,486,540
9 China Eastern Asia 1,397,715,000
10 Cyprus Western Asia 1,198,580
eleven Georgia Western asia 3,720,380
12 India Southern Asia 1,366,417,750
13 Republic of indonesia Southward-Eastern Asia 270,625,570
14 Iran Southern Asia 82,913,910
15 Iraq Western Asia 39,309,780
16 Israel Western Asia ix,053,300
17 Japan East asia 126,264,930
18 Hashemite kingdom of jordan Western asia 10,101,690
19 Kazakhstan Central Asia 18,513,930
twenty Kuwait Western Asia 4,207,080
21 Kyrgyz republic Central Asia 6,456,900
22 Laos S-Eastern Asia vii,169,450
23 Lebanon Southwest asia half-dozen,855,710
24 Malaysia South-Eastern asia 31,949,780
25 Maldives Southern asia 530,950
26 Mongolia Eastern Asia three,225,170
27 Myanmar South-East asia 54,045,420
28 Nepal South asia 28,608,710
29 Northward Korea Eastern Asia 25,666,160
thirty Oman Western Asia 4,974,990
31 Pakistan Southern Asia 216,565,320
32 Philippines Due south-Eastern asia 108,116,620
33 Qatar Western Asia two,832,070
34 Saudi Arabia Western asia 34,268,530
35 Singapore South-East asia 5,703,570
36 South korea Eastern Asia 51,709,100
37 Sri Lanka Southern asia 21,803,000
38 State of Palestine Southwest asia 4,685,310
39 Syria Southwest asia 17,070,130
40 Tajikistan Central Asia 9,321,020
41 Thailand South-Eastern Asia 69,625,580
42 Timor-Leste South-Eastern Asia 1,293,120
43 Turkey Western asia 83,429,620
44 Turkmenistan Central Asia 5,942,090
45 United Arab Emirates Western Asia 9,770,530
46 Uzbekistan Central Asia 33,580,650
47 Vietnam South-East asia 96,462,110
48 Yemen Western asia 29,161,920


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